We Are Creating a Healthier Place to Live, Work, Play, & Learn.

Live Healthy Miami Gardens is a coalition of 46 member organizations and over 100 individuals, working collectively to drive citywide changes that measurably improve the health and life expectancy of people in the City of Miami Gardens

What is Live Healthy Miami Gardens?
The Live Healthy Miami Gardens (LHMG) Initiative is part of the City of Miami Garden’s strategic and systemic effort to reduce poor health outcomes by engaging community residents to improve selected public health indicators. LHMG was built upon the understanding that no single organization can solve tough problems on its own and that community involvement is essential to reducing health disparities. LHMG is a Collective Impact initiative bringing people together and strengthening the community’s capacity to collaboratively plan and collectively carryout strategies that make the vibrant community of Miami Gardens healthier.
The City of Miami Gardens in partnership with the Health Foundation of South Florida (HFSF) launched LHMG in February 2014. After an extensive and highly competitive process led by the Foundation, the City was selected as a grantee to establish and lead LHMG through a six-year, $3.75 million dollar grant. The initiative is now also funded by the National League of Cities (NLC) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Racial and Ethnic Approached to Community Health (REACH).
About The City of Miami Gardens
With a population of 113,012, the City of Miami Gardens (CMG) is the 3rd largest City in Miami-Dade County and the largest predominantly African-American municipality in the State of Florida. With a median age of 35.6 and median household income of $41,139, CMG is a vibrant and diverse city with a strong sense of community spirit, civic pride, exuding employment opportunities and cultural and leisure experiences for its residents. The CMG was incorporated in 2003 out of a quest for self-determination that unfolded as a six year citizen advocacy campaign.
Since 2003, CMG has made significant strides to provide superior services designed to enhance public safety and improve the overall quality of life, while exercising sound stewardship through open government and active civic, business and resident involvement. Currently the City provides a full range of municipal services and support many volunteer, health, social and after-school programs as well as a wide variety of special events and civic engagement activities.
For more information about Miami Gardens,
please visit our page at www.miamigardens-fl.gov

Health Impact Areas
LHMG is designed to develop, implement and sustain effective community-level health strategies for the following Health Impact Areas:
Get Involved
Protect Yourself and Others
Keep taking precautions to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

Take the Pledge
Inspire the community and take the Take Your Loved One to the Doctor (TYLOD) pledge!

Prevent the Flu
Take time to get a flu vaccine. The CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine as the first and most important step in protecting against flu viruses.

Volunteer to serve on LHMG’s Host Council or one of our health impact areas Subcouncils.

Sign up for a Committee
Attend a committee meeting or an event, and sign up to become active in the community.